New Student Enrollment:

Access to the New Student Enrollment Portal:  Click on the link below to request access to the New Student Enrollment Portal.  Please fill out the items in the Google Form to gain access to the New Student Enrollment Portal.  It may take up to 2 business days for our enrollment staff to process the information.  Once the information is processed by enrollment staff you will receive an email with portal access information. If you have any questions please email Enrollment. 

New Student Enrollment Portal Link: Skiatook Wengage Account Request

New Student Enrollment Steps: 

  1. Once New Student Enrollment Portal access has been granted, a parent or legal guardian must enter all required information and upload the documents listed below into the New Student Enrollment Portal.  If you have difficulty uploading the required documents into the enrollment software please visit the Education Service Center (355 S Osage) for assistance.

Skiatook Public Schools Required Enrollment Documents

  • Proof of Residency (current Utility Bill - disconnect/final notices are not accepted)

  • Current Driver’s License (With Residency Address)

  • Certificate of Live Birth (with state seal)  An original state-certified birth certificate for Pre-K (age 4 on or before September 1) or Kindergarten (age 5 on or before September 1) is required.  For all other grades, a copy is acceptable.

  • Immunization Records (current, up-to-date, or a completed and signed exemption form) 

    • OSDH Require Immunization List 2021-22SY

  • Guardianship or Custody documents (if applicable)

  • CDIB and/or Tribal Membership Cards (if applicable)

  1. Your enrollment will NOT be complete until you complete documents at the Education Service Center (355 S Osage).  

For questions pertaining to enrollment please contact the Education Service Center at (918)396-1792. 

New Student Enrollment During the Summer

Students new to the district can enroll using the steps listed above.  All new students will need to attend New Student Enrollment Day on July 24, 2025 from 8:00am to 4:30pm at the Brooks Walton Activity Center (1000 W 4th St). If you are unable to attend the July 24th Enrollment Day, you will need to visit the Education Service Center to finalize enrollment starting July 25, 2025.