SE Information
Skiatook Elementary
1051 South Choctaw
Skiatook OK,74070
Fax: 918-396-5727
(Grades 2nd & 3rd)
Parent Drop-Off and Pick-Up Reminders:
Emergency Drills
At the beginning of each semester and at certain points in the school year, staff and students are required to practice emergency drills. We will be practicing these drills as required. In the event that an emergency requires us to use these emergency procedures, parents and guardians will be notified through school messenger.
Oklahoma Family Guides
All medication for students must be brought in by an adult. Medication cannot be brought in or taken home by a student. No Exceptions. Any medication brought to school without an Authorization to Administer Medicine form signed by a parent or legal guardian will not be given. Any medication that is not in the original container will be disposed of. A note will be sent home with the student informing you that the medication policy was not followed. Medication that is in the original container will be held in the office for two days for an adult to pick up or to sign an Authorization to Administer Medicine form. Either a parent or person having legal custody of the student must complete and sign a Parental Authorization to Administer Medicine form allowing the school nurse or designated school employee to administer medication. All prescription medication must have the pharmacy label that states the students name, dosage amount and instructions. Over the counter medication must be in the original unopened container with the student’s name written on it.