Principal's Corner
Greetings Parents and Community Members!
It is April already! This year has flown by!
We have so many activities going on over the next 7 weeks! Please make sure that you are looking at your monthly calendar so you don't miss anything!
I wanted to let everyone know that our Pre-K/Kinder Round-Up will be April 9th from 8:30-4:30! This is for new students only! More information will be coming home soon, so make sure that you are checking our Facebook page frequently as I am always putting information on there!
March 31st-April 11th your child will be taking their end of year NWEA test for Math and Reading. Please make sure that they get to bed early and get a good breakfast so they can DO THEIR BEST ON THE TEST! They will take this on their Character Ed/Computer day for specials.
Kindergarten parents, graduation will be May 9th from 9-11 a.m. I know teachers have been communicating all the information on that, but please make sure you have it on your calendar!
As always, if you ever have any questions, please give me a call or come by and see me!
Mrs. Guck Marrs Elementary Principal